Tuesday, April 12, 2011
hi me want to say hi me love you guys thanks for reading this blog me have so much fun writing in it all of the times me think that sometimes it be hard to think of funnies to make everyone with laugh but me write anyway even when me have no ideas for stuff to write in blog me still want to write in it for making you happy and with many laugh me love you and me love laugh also me love pizza and me love pepsi do you like pepsi because me love it oh so much me love it so much me love the bubbles and me love how it brown and taste like sweet me drink it every day and all time i am eat pizza me love pizza when it is put on pepperonis and me love cheese and me love crust sometimes me eat crust first is me crazy but me love it so much me eat dominos and me eat pizza hut and me eat wings from pizza hut and me drink pepsi and me love milk too with drinking when me drink milk and pepsi together me love that and me feel dark and me feel sad and me want to make hurt on people all people and make them go die and make them with blood and me think that when me make hurt it be the only way me can feel anything so me hurt and me scream and sometimes me laugh because me love laugh and blood and hurt and scream and me want everything to end me beg god please god please me die me die me die and me love root beer and and sometimes me eat big macs me get from macdonald's me hungry now go bye!!!!
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